Exploring the role of telehealth: A novel approach to group-based smoking cessation treatment for men incarcerated in a rural state prison

Abstract Introduction. Tobacco smoking remains an important public health issue in the United States (US), specifically among people who are incarcerated. There is little to no information about smoking behaviors of incarcerated people in rural areas and there is a lack of resources for smoking cessation interventions in rural settings. Telehealth might be efficient for […]

Remote Mental Health First Aid Training for Correctional Officers: A Pilot Study

Abstract Mental health first aid (MHFA) training is a low-cost, evidence-based intervention that teaches trainees to recognize signs of mental distress. Thirty correctional officers (COs) were recruited to participate in a remote MHFA intervention study. The COs were divided into three MHFA training sessions, with no more than 10 COs per group. Data collection assessments […]

Understanding search autocompletes from the perspectives of English and Spanish speakers during the early months of the COVID‐19 pandemic

AbstractThe purpose of the study was to explore differences in Google search autocompletes between English and Spanish-speaking users during the first wave of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Twenty-nine individuals who were in areas with shelter-in-place state orders participated in a virtual focus group meeting to understand the algorithm bias of COVID-19 Google autocompletes. The […]

“The only thing new is the cameras”: A study of U.S. college students’ perceptions of police violence on social media

Abstract The present study explored the impact of publicized incidents of police violence on racially underrepresented college students in the U.S. Approximately 134 college students at various colleges and universities in the U.S. completed a questionnaire that examined their engagement with police brutality videos, reactions about police killings of unarmed Black men (and boys), their […]

Harnessing Digital Videos to Promote Cancer Prevention and Education: a Systematic Review of the Literature from 2013–2018

Abstract Social media has transformed the way cancer patients search for information about their chronic health problems. The purpose of this systematic review is to identify the use of online digital videos to increase cancer knowledge and to understand information preference, behavioral changes, and attitudes towards online cancer education videos. The databases used for this […]