• FRIED – the burnout podcast
    This podcast discusses burnout through the different stories of individuals and their burnout journeys. Every week there is a different story for people to relate to.


  • Black Girl Burnout
    This podcast focuses on providing daily healing practices to help black women facing burnout to find peace.

  • Everyday Burnout Conversations
    This podcast focuses on sharing the experiences of others who have struggled with burnout and are now thriving after the fact.



  • Breaking Burnout Podcast
    This podcast was created to help high achieving women struggling with burnout. It is a way from them to release daily pressures and shift their perspectives on self-care and move towards fulfillment.


  • The Burnout Recovery Podcast
    This podcast is specifically for helping healthcare professionals overcome burnout through introducing burnout recovery strategies, so they can regain their joy and happiness.


  • Burnout made me do it
    This podcast shares tips on how to prevent and overcome burnout, while incorporating the stories of people who have dealt with burnout.





  • Stefan Sagmeister – The power of time off
    In this ted talk, Stefan Sagmeister describes his year-long sabbatical in New York and how his time off inspired a creative new project. He offers an explanation for the importance of taking time off.



  • Arianna Huffington – How to succeed? Get more sleep
    In this ted talk, Arianna Huffington discuss the importance of sleep and her belief that better sleep leads to increased productivity. She offers practical tips to get a good nights rest such as setting a sleep schedule.


  • Kelly Mcgonigal – How to make stress your friend
    In this ted talk, Kelly Mcgonigal offers a new perspective on stress and a stress reduction method. Instead of viewing stress as a negative, it should be viewed as a positive force which can make it more manageable.


  • Resilience over Burnout: A self – care program
    • This program conducted by Ami Kunimura was created to help professionals out of burnout and stress cycles.
    • The program includes 8 modules, 4 monthly coaching calls, mediation library.
    • Cost: $597



  • How to Extinguish Job Burnout Before It’s Too Late
    Similar to the article above, this article conducts an extensive overview of job burnout, including the causes, symptoms, and consequences. Additionally, advice is given on how to handle burnout followed by ten real stories about work burnout.